Contrail: "Woah, excuse me, coming through..."
Cumulus: "Argh! Watch it pal, you're gonna cut us up!"
Contrail: "Sorry can't stop now, got places to be..."
Pyrocumulus: "What your hurry?"
Contrail: "Well, I guess I have been rushing for hours now. I could do with a rest. Might_just_chill with you..."
Pyrocumulus: "It is pretty sweet down here, and you can catch a few rays too."
Contrail: "Right, right, a few rays, yeah. Hey, what's happening? I feel a little s p a c e d_o u t, l i k e, I' m_l i t e r a l l y__s p r e a d i n g__o u t___h e r e!! W o o a h..."
Cumulus: "Pff, just like all the others."
A farewell to orange
10 years ago