Monday 6 October 2008

WALL.E - love, tears and garbage

WALL.E effortlessly bridges the beginning and end of cinema of the 21st Century. Half of it is technically a silent film yet visually and sonically it presents the advanced animated technology of today, but it doesn't ever lose its point; that it's simply a classic love story.
This film provokes tears - in the way It's A Wonderful Life would - and is by far the most ambitious Disney/Pixar movie yet.
One to own in your film collection.

I wish...

This flag was actually part of a recycling project where
children created a flag to show what they will do to preserve Earth.
Maybe flying can save the World...

That's when good neighbours...

...become, well, neighbours.
After a year living above two other flats it occured to me that the occupants and I hadn't said anything more than a passing "hello". So I gave an invitation for an evening of drinks in my flat and, prepared for refusals, was very pleased when they accepted. Thursday night comes along and nerves kick in. What happens if they're painfully dull? Or what if they really don't like me? There's the light rap at the door...don't panic. The neighbours independantly nose around the flat, offer some wine, and start chatting. We all start chatting. In fact three hours, and a few bottles of wine later the night comes to a close without a moment of tension.
The following morning the man on the bottom floor had posted through a card, and one line simply read: "Communication with neighbours is a fine thing, is it not?"

Is it not?